Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Day of Firsts

Buddy, you're going to work like all the rest of us.

And so began a day of firsts.

First to wake up at 3pm

First to drive through a plowed frozen field, battle through 14 degree temps and brush in his first blind

It was the first time to open a waterfowl trailer, stare at 12 dozen goose decoys and say "whoa"

First to listen to the chatter of the guys as they discussed where the decoys need to go.   Put three over there,  4 over there and 2 to the left.

Drop into truck and warm up for 15 minutes, and then back at it buddy.

First time into the blind, listening to the cacophony of goose calls and the flapping of  the flags trying to draw the  birds in.  Hot apple cider, unlimited snacks and 3 layers of clothes got him through the morning.

First time listening to stories of old hunts, failures and successes.  The building of camaraderie and community.  And yes, you can swear once or twice....I wont tell mom.

The doors flung open and shots rang out as the first "taken em" of the day was called and the big birds dropped from the sky.

First time picking up a still live bird and screaming out, "what do I do dad, what do I do?"

Hold on buddy, hold on.

First to see it go so right, and then to see it go so awry.  You just cant compete with live birds in a field 300 yards away.

Limits are a special thing and today wouldn't be the first day to see that happen.

The first time picking it all up, being an asset to the operation.  12 dozen birds dont collect themselves.

Then as we drove away, I asked my son what he thought of his first goose hunt....

"It was awesome dad,  awesome"