In the year 2000, Save Our Wild Salmon and partners commissioned a study about public perception about the Lower 4 Snake River Dams and the issues that surround them
It was an issue in it's infancy, and to say that people understood the what was going on was an understatement.
We've overall had a dramatic shift in public perception of dam removal, so the study was put out again 18 years later....
And the shift is confirmed. From the article...
More than half of Washington voters support removing the four dams on the lower Snake River and they are more than willing to pay a few dollars extra on their energy bills to do so: 63 percent are willing to pay up to $7 per month, while 74 percent would pay an extra dollar every month.
Other items that stick out
78% of the public respondents say that preventing salmon extinction is extremely or very important
60% of the respondents value salmon preservation over dam preservation
53% of respondents now find Snake River dam removal acceptable and favorable
It's time. The shift has happened....