Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our Dogs Think We're Nuts....

You ever get the feeling that our dogs think we're crazy?

I imagine that if they could talk, it would go something like this....

"Ahh, guys...what the hell.  It's cold as hell outside and your standing in the water for hours and you havent thrown me a stick in god knows how long.  All there is to keep me from leaving your butt right here is the occasional dead sucker or decomposing salmon.  I think I'll roll around in the sucker for a bit just to remind you that your not paying attention to me"

"And by the way, if you'd listen up, you'd hear the covey of Chuckars up that hillside.  Dont try and fake me out by bringing a shotgun and then not going bird hunting.  I am a hunting dog remember....

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