Saturday, August 25, 2012

Burlesque to Wading Boots, She Needs Your Votes.

My good friend Jeremy from the Great White North, aka, The Land of the Canadian Tuxedo needs our help, or namely, his girlfriend does.

Lets just say she's a multidimensional lady.

1.  Elizabeth puts up with Jeremy

2.  Is a burlesque dancer named Lula Bliss

3.  Fishes the 2 hander, and overall loves to fish

Right now, she's in the running for a big prize in the photo contest sponsored by the Fly Shop in Welches, Oregon

Here's Jeremy's account of the battle

This fish was caught in Campbell River, BC about a week and a half ago. It was caught by my girlfriend Elizabeth. She was fishing with an 8/9, 11' RST switch, and
an Abel Super 7 loaded with a Airflo scandi and ridge running line.
The fish was caught nymphing a fly tied on a Tiemco 2457, sz6, with pink polar ice dubbing, and pink crinkle flash, under a thingamabobber.  It was her first salmon ever on the fly rod that she cast, mended, hooked, and landed by herself.
So if you have it in your heart, visit the contest page HERE and help her win some great fishing schwag 


  1. Thanks Millsy!

    Thank you for everyone that voted!

    Elizabeth is excited about flyfishing. She is working on year two of the sport. She has managed to get to the point where she can cast, manage line, and keep the fly fishing more than it isn't. For you spey guys, yes, Elizabeth DOES rock the two handed stick. Her weapon of choice is a custom made RST 11' switch rod.

    Thank you everyone for giving Elizabeth a ton of positive fishing vibes! She has been lit up the last day and a half with energy. Initially she was hesitant about being entered into the contest. Now she is happy that she did, and even if she ends up with nothing from it she still is having a great experience!

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