Friday, August 31, 2012

It Smells Like....

 It's time to tie up a bunch of these....

Maybe attempt to tie a few of these....(notice the teeth marks)

Ok...a few of these too.

Because it's time to get ready for the best time of the year.   And back to the title of this post, it's starting to smell like Steelhead Season

With 15 days till the epic trip northward and the summer runs making their way inland, we're about to hit the sweet spot of the year.

Hells Yes.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday evening was crisp - low 70s during the day, high 50s in the evening - and I began to smell a bit of the wind from the north. It won't be long until the Steel are in the rivers and madmen drive north to suffer and pray for a tug on the line and a screaming reel.
